Hi and welcome to another adventure! Today was a rerun of my last trip out to the Lakeside mountains. The trip was planned to see if we could find my lost GPS and use my new one to finish exploring the mountain. The weather today was almost perfect. It was slightly overcast and somewhat on the cold side with a ton of wind but hey, I'll take any day away from work to Jeep! Well, we didn't find the GPS so that part kinda sucked, but the new one worked just fine and we were able to continue our exploration. The foto above is of the mine that I had wanted to find. It is called the Monarch mine and guess what? It's still open...... for now. That means that a return trip is now mandatory for that fact. And, we have another reason to go back now too. It seems that the Lakeside mountains are possessed. Russell started the day with his car keys in his pocket but alas, when we returned home.... they were gone! Stupid mountains. Good news is I didn't lose anything!
We crossed over the mountain and went down the east side of the range and explored a bunch of roads just to see where they went. While up one of the canyons, we came across this fine young specimen of an antelope. I used my telephoto lens and got him as he stood across the canyon. He appears to be shedding his winter coat and getting ready for summer! Wait, I'm waiting for summer too! I'm ready to lose the top and doors and feel the freedom. Is it summer yet? So, we finished exploring and made plans to return and explore the mine and look for some car keys. We made it back to Lakeside the town, ate lunch and decided the day wasn't over yet. So we headed south back to the Oquirrhs and took the new Jacob City atv trail over to Dry canyon.
The Oquirrhs are quite the opposite of the the Lakeside mountains. They still have snow and with snow you get mud! The new trail is an old one really. They took a bunch of old trails and connected them so you can go in a complete circle from the trail head to Jacob City and back. The lower section uses the old power line trail and its a blast. With this last storm we found a lot of mud holes and really slippery trails. Gotta love it! We made it up Dry canyon to the 2ND mine and at that point it was getting very greasy so we headed back down. Today was a great day. It really doesn't get much better. The last foto is me blasting one of the many mud holes we encountered. It was one hell of a hole and I had one hell of a good time! So, I guess my next trip will involve exploring the mine before they close it and looking for lost keys. Until next time, JEEP on my friends!