Years ago, some company decided to look for oil and drilled out there by the Jetty. They built a few dikes and some access roads out into the lake and generally made a mess. I can't tell you what these pilings were for, but they are still there rotting away in the salty environment. They are interesting to look at but that's about it. Just to the south you can see where they poured some type of tar mixture into the lake. What makes it cool is that there are things stuck into the mess. It almost appears, to me, that in the hot summer months, the stuff will actually melt. Case in point is a bottle stuck in it. It couldn't have been there since they dumped it. Someone would have had to come along and seen it and smashed it. Just my opinion.
Anyway, on the way back, we ran across the semi-wild herd of horses that lives out there. It was kinda cool that they were so close to the road. As you can see, they added 2 new members to the herd. They weren't very friendly and began to head away from us when we stopped to take the foto. The fotos are not very good this time cuz all I took was my cell phone. Didn't want to get the good cameras wet. Well, enough for this time. Jeep on my friends!