Spring time in the Oquirrhs
Hi there and welcome to the first real adventure of this year. Samantha got sick so my Saturday plans didn't pan out. So, I took off today and headed down to the Oquirrh mountains to see how much snow was left and find some mud. Well, there isn't a lot of snow left and the mud was non existent. This is the earliest I have ever made it to Jacob City. The road had a few gnarly spots on it but the Jeep kicked total ass and didn't miss a beat. I didn't actually get into the city itself due to the fact its a very narrow trail and it still had a ton of snow on it. I peeked over the edge and looked down on Dry canyon and its even worse. It's on the south side of the canyon and gets no sun yet so the trail is all snow. I watched the sky waiting for this huge storm to come in and it never made it while I was on the mountain. It did try to rain a bit and it was a very dirty rain. The wind had pulled tons of dust into the air and it was a nasty rain. I went up Ophir canyon to see how far I could get up it and I made it quite a ways
up till the snow got kinda deep. There was mud up there and I played in it but by the time I got out of the mountains the rain had started and washed it all off. Except the dirt that fell with the rain. The jeep is dirty in a bad way. Dumb weather. I followed a few new/old trails I haven't followed before and all in all had a great day. It sure would be nice to get paid to do this. Oh well, spring is here and the Jeep season will soon be in full swing so I am looking forward to it. Well, that's enough for today. Time to get ready for another week of work. Be cool... and remember... only in a Jeep!
Even if you click on the picture and look at it up-close-and-personal it doesn't look very dirty. I've seen much worse (from you!). :D I'm sure you could get paid to take people jeeping! Advertise on Craigslist... just for a start. It'll surely grow from there! I believe it! :D