Good afternoon to my 4 loyal followers and those of you who somehow get guided to my page. Today is hump day and the supposed last good weather day we are having this week. So, being the energetic dude that I am, I headed outside to prepare the Jeep for a weekend of off road playing. Even though they say its gonna snow in the mountains this weekend, I am going. Piss on the weather and the snow. I need some "excape-age" I invented that word by the way. My last trip was not quite as good as it could have been so I need to make up for it and then some. I am thinking about hitting the Oquirrh mtns and running the power line road. I did this years ago in the old mean green ford and it was a blast. Since then, it has gotten worse. I know I wont be able to do all of it but I am gonna try. All I have to lose is my life.... ha ha. Just kidding. It's a good trail to play on and after I run it I think I will head up to dry canyon and take a shot at it. I am betting I wont get to far due to the fact it is on a north facing canyon so I am sure there is a ton of snow left. April has been a wet and snowy month. Even though a lot of ski resorts are closed, they still have snow totals that you would make you think its December. That's all that I have say for today. Just a friendly reminder to those who change their own oil......... don't do it when the wind is blowing..... it can get ugly. Yes, I know this for a fact!
Hi and welcome to another adventure of mine. Today, Sam and myself took the yellow Jeep out to the sun tunnels. Now the sun tunnels are another Utah odd art work and is directly related to the Spiral Jetty. The wife of the man who created the jetty built the sun tunnels a few years later. They are set up to have the sun come up in one tunnel and go down in another on the bi-annual solstices: summer and winter. She built them out in the middle of freaking no where, as you can see by the fotos. The nearest thing of any significance is the ghost town of Lucin. Lucin was a stop on the original rail bed of the Central Pacific. It was important due to the fact there was water available for the locomotives. I really wanted to spend more time exploring Lucin but as we arrived at the tunnels, Sam happened to notice a tire was leaking air. Nice............ I tell yah, the tires the Jeep came with suck! So, we took some quick fotos and headed back to the parking area at Lucin. Sam showed me how much she has learned in her auto class by pretty much changing it herself. She rocks! So, if you know me, you know I hate not having a spare tire. We took some time to check out a little of the area, snap some more fotos and then we headed home. On the way home I decided I was done with the passenger car tires the factory put on the Jeep so we headed to Big O! Having worked at Napa, I know most everyone in the tire business here in town. I did some negotiating and got me some bigger, more aggressive, light truck tires that lifted the Jeep 2 more inches up. WOOOO HOOOOOO! I am so in the mood to go test them out but it will have to wait a week or so. It sure looks better. One oddity we found out there was another one of those odd concrete phone booths from the 40's. This one was actually in great condition and you could go in and check it out. So, that was today. Someday I am going to have to figure out a way to carry 2 spares like I did in the Ford. OK, that covers it. We had fun and we will return some day. Have a happy Easter all!

HI again. Spring showed it's face today so being free with nothing else to do, I headed out to the Jetty again. I know I know, I am always out there. But, its a fun trip and there are some bodacious mud holes. Anyway, today's trip had me following the above Bird to try and see what it was. He was huge and kept flying out of range. He finally settled on a small tree and I used the zoom lens and got this foto. He was about 150 yards away so I got an ok shot. I think he is a big hawk but what do I know?? Not a lot! The other surprise of the day was the fact that my offering of last week was still standing. It hadn't fallen over yet so I didn't have to make another one! Also, the lake has actually risen since last week. If it keeps up this pace it could be back to the Jetty before the month ends. We had it all to ourselves until we decided to leave and all of the sudden 3 trucks had parked on the mountain above it. I would really like to see the lake cover it again. I think it looks so much better encrusted in salt then it does with out. Personal opinion so if you don't like it??? Tough shit! I climbed a few hills today and played in my favorite puddles. I still can't wait till the snow melts more so I can get back to the mountains and play. It should happen soon, I hope. As for other news..... my father is still doing great so that is awesome. My sister leaves for her new home tomorrow.... best of luck to you Karen.... you're gonna miss the mountains. That's about it for this entry. Enjoy your week!