Hi there and welcome to yet another addition of my adventures in life. The title pretty much says it all. I did in fact visit 6 of Utah's counties yesterday. It began with my leaving home and heading to salt lake..... I pass thru 4 counties just to do that. I picked up L and her mother and we headed south again to yet another county. There we saw her grand daughter baptized and went to a bar-b-cue after. Once that was over we decided to take the long way home. This time we headed west and into county # 6. Damn, I drive way too much. We followed the road to Ophir and headed up the canyon. I think I have told you Ophir is an old mining town that's still got a few full time residents. Along with 100 year old mining cabins, it has a few modern mansions there. We passed thru quickly and headed up the canyon. I took them to the end of the main road then we back tracked to the trail I couldn't finish last spring because of the snow and mud. We headed up the dry trail and began to explore the unknown. I'd say we went 4 miles up and came to a nice meadow and stopped for a break. The view was incredible. The reds and oranges and yellows were all over the mountain. The fotos just don't do it justice. It is just something you have to see live! By this time it was getting late and the sun was headed down so we did the same..... headed back to the canyon floor. We didn't see much wildlife except a few chipmunks and a few stray moo cows. I think the deer were hiding due to the fact it is hunting season here. But, the adventure wasn't over yet. For as many years as I have been coming to Ophir I have never stopped at the cemetery. L wanted to so today we did. I had figured it was an old mining graveyard but I was wrong. It is actually a modern one and quite small and unique. As you can see, the tomb stones are beautiful and the site itself is interesting. Most of the burial sites have solar powered lights of some sort around or near each grave. There are also tons of nick knacks placed near them too. I found it very interesting to walk thru. Anyway, after the graveyard , we headed down to the main road and found all the deer. There is a farm at the mouth of the canyon and 9 times out of every 10 visits there are deer and wild turkeys in his field. Tonight was no exception. There was a nice herd of mule deer feeding on his crops. I didn't get a foto because my camera was put away by then but oh well, I saw them! Rumour has it that the mountains are getting snow Tuesday night. I sure hope not. I am not done Jeeping this year. So, as usual, stay tuned for more adventures. I still want to get to Boston Terrace this year. Jeep on my friends!
Nice shots babe!!! I am so thankful for the opportunity to go back to where we had our very very first date so many years ago....