Friday, September 22, 2017

DAY SEVEN or 7 or siete or????

Hello and welcome to the continuing saga of How the Knee Heals. I bet a lot of you were expecting me to bitch everyday, but alas, it probably wont happen. Monday, a friend put out an SOS on FaceBook about a friend of hers needing a presentation video for her daughters 30th birthday. I looked at that and said, I think I could do something. So, I volunteered to do the deed. After a slow start, I received about 45 fotos in like 28 emails and began the task. Now, most of you know I bought a new movie program and I figured this would let me play with it and learn it for future use. So instead of being totally bored the past 6 days I have been working on said video. I let the lady see it and she asked for a few edits, which this program made super easy and now it is done awaiting Sunday and her daughters birthday. This program has soooo much to offer. I really need to make a foto video of my own and see what all it can do. I didn't experiment too much with the lady's cuz its a gift. So, instead of a shitty week, I had one that was full of challenges and kept me busy. Keeping me busy is important. 
As for the leg, the 2 biopsies that the dermatologist did showed, as usual, nada damn thing. It did eliminate 2 extremely nasty infections that were possibilities so I guess that is good. The overall swelling has gone down, sort of. My knee is still 4 times its normal size. Just below that there is a baseball sized lump that will be with me for a while I am thinking. The area that was infected is healing so I guess we now get to play the waiting game. Just how long till life is back to normal, no one has a clue. It can't come soon enough for me!

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