Hi there and welcome back. Today marked the beginning of a true 3 day weekend for me and the Jeep, so, I took full advantage of it and headed west to finish the trip Sam and I took a few weekends ago. We began back at the sun tunnels and took some time exploring them and the small ghost town of Lucin. Luck was with me today because I did not get a flat tire! Woo Hoo! I got to take some time and really explore both areas and see what is really out there. The sun tunnels made me wonder about the sanity of some people. It appears that an idiot or two has taken their ATVs and rode the tunnels like a circus act. The tire tracks do a complete 360 in all 4 tunnels. You would have to be crazy to do that. That's my personal opinion and I am sticking to it. Being a holiday weekend, I figured the place would be packed but it was rather quiet out there. We spent some time out there and really took a good look around. I got the living shit scared out of me while walking around the spring oasis today too. The trees there are freakin huge and while walking around one, I took a step and just happened to look down as I did. The ground was moving. After the split second for my brain to add 2 and 2 I realized I was about to put my foot down on a snake. I let loose with a yelp and jumped away as fast as I could. The thought of rattle snake was going through my mind and I figured I was gonna get bit. Lucky for me it wasn't a rattle snake but your just your common snake. It slithered off and I watched it climb into the bark of a tree and hide from me.
After that we headed back towards the main road when I noticed what looked to be the remains of an old stamp mill on the side of the mountain. Of course I had to explore this so I drove up to the top of the mountain and got a birds eye view of the remains. I am not sure what mineral they used it for or if it was just a mill to make base rock for the railroad.
I am currently researching to see just what is actually was. After this, we headed across the valley over to the devils playground to see what was happening there. We went to the hidden cabin only to find it some what occupied. I made a quick entry in the journal that I was there and left. I wonder if the occupants will freak when they see an entry in it while they were staying there. HA HA! Next stop was the mine and I had came prepared. I loaded the flashlights with new batteries and headed in to explore I have often wondered what was on the wall in side this mine. It looks like melted candle wax of some sort but upon close inspection I have decided that it is dried bat shit. You can see it in the foto and make your guess too. After that we headed for home. The clouds had been turning black during the day so I wanted to make it home before I got wet. We stopped for dinner in Snowville and during dinner, all hell broke lose. The rain began to pour and I knew it was going to be a cold ride home. It wasn't too bad of ride but I did have a few problems with rain on the inside of the windshield. I had to use napkins to keep it as dry as I could so I could actually see out. We made it back to town, emptied the supplies out and put the trail cover on. So tomorrows project will be to clean up the mud and crap that is on the inside of the Jeep. Fun fun! All in all it was a great day. I am fried with a gnarly sun burn but who cares? Like I have said before. I would really love to have a job where I got paid to Jeep.Hopefully i can take another adventure to a special spot real soon... Until my next adventure, Jeep On my friends.
We should compare notes because I might have a suggestion for your next adventure to a favorite special spot of my own.
ReplyDeleteTopless? You're just fearless like that. Sounds like somebody may be propositioning you... good luck with that! ;D