Wow, a day of adventure!
Hi and welcome back. Today marks the birthday of my daughter Sam and since she isn't here to defend herself, this is my foto I am going to use. I really don't remember if this foto was on her 3rd or 4Th birthday but oh well. She turned 18 today and that makes me old. Oh well, I may be old but I sure as hell don't feel it. I took her to lunch today and we had a great time. She had other plans after that so I took her back home and headed out on another adventure. I wanted to get some awesome sunset fotos but I'll get to that later. We headed back out to the Oquirrh mountains to follow some trails I had not finished. We started on the old power line road and followed it south. As we drove along, I noticed that the Jeep had developed a nasty rattle in the tail gate area.
I stopped a few times trying to locate it and I finally did. I discovered that the screws to the latch mechanism had all come lose. I tightened them the best I could and moved on. About every 10 minutes, I had to stop and do it over again. At one of the stops I noticed the cactus in the area were all blooming. This foto doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea. So, we got to the end of the trail and I got pissed. Whats new, right? I decided to head back to Tooele , buy a torx head socket and some Loctite and fix it right. So, back we go to Autozone , buy the damn stuff and do a parking lot repair. It said that it takes 20 minutes to work, so I figured the drive back to Ophir is at least that long so it would be ready by the time we got back. We headed back and started the 2ND trail of the day. My post in October of last year with all the fall colors was the next trail. I have never followed it to the end so today was the day.
As you can see by the foto the Jeep has lost it's doors. I decided today was the day to do it and so I did. Its really a fun drive with out the doors. I did, and still do, miss my side view mirrors and a place to rest my arm while I drive , but it was nice. I really like the openness, is that a word?, that having no doors on provides. It is so nice to be able to stick my head out and watch the tire placement as I crawled over the rocks. So, we headed up the trail and continued on from where I left off last time. I tell you, Utah has some beautiful scenery. It opened up into an incredible valley that let me see something I have been looking for since I started ghost towning.
Welcome to Mercur Utah. Or whats left of it. The town died after a fire destroyed it in the early 1900's. In the late 70's, Barrick decided to run all the left over tailing's and see what they could find. They figured it would last a few years and then they would be done. It actually lasted till the late 80's and they sent out 10 gold ingots out each week. I tried to go up there in 88, but was denied access due to them working. So I never got to see what was there...... till today. The trail led us to a nice over look that showed what was left. Barrick has come and gone but they cleaned it up and made it look some what natural now. We tried to go down and go into the area but we were met by a nice big gate that was securely locked. The Bastards! But I guess it's OK. I did finally get to see the area and someday I think I will try to find another way in. Nothing is left from the original town but it would be fun to just go and look it all over. I guess this means I am going back. Oh well...... another adventure to look forward to. WOO HOO! Stay tuned my friends...... there is always another adventure waiting to happen. Jeep on!
Happy birthday, Sam! Wow! 18?! Really? Time sure does fly! :)