Last stop was up Ophir canyon and the trails that are up there. First one taken was snowed in after maybe 500 yards. The second one faces west so it was open a lot further up but its your typical atv trail so I finally picked a spot where I could turn around and headed back down. Ophir seems to be gearing up for some type of tourist place. I'm seeing things I haven't seen before and this building above appears to be the old school . I peeked in the windows and they are restoring it to its glory from years gone by. Ophir is a town where you have 100+ year old homes next to modern ....... dare I say mansions? One owner is trying to sell a newer house and is dropping the price $1000 every week. Not a bad looking house.......but my hell..... the price for this week.... $299,950.00. Its nice, but not that nice. Plus its on the wrong side of the road. A lot of the houses on the north and extreme south side have their own personal mines they can play in if they choose. Now, if I could afford one of those homes, I'd buy it in a minute. Off I go.... Jeep on my friends.
Glad you had a GREAT time, and you were finally able to get out and do what you LOVE to do!!! JEEP!!!!