Monday, December 29, 2008
One Sick Puppy!

Friday, December 26, 2008
It's the day after Christmas and I thought I would add a few lines to another blog. Yesterday was a good day. Myself and Sam went to breakfast at Denny's to start our day off and after, we were supposed to go to Ogden, but, it was snowing quite bad so we went back home and watched videos till about 3. We left the house and headed to Brigham City to go see the the movie Marley and Me. The previews make it out to be a funny as hell movie, which it is, but, halfway through, I knew how it was going to end. The story is a true one, I believe. It starts with a newlywed couple and the dog they get as a puppy..... Marley. The dog is one crazy dog.... it eats and chews everything in its path. Some of the scenes are just funny as hell. The family grows and Marley ages. Towards the end, the dog is getting old and well....... it comes time to put him down. I swear there wasn't a dry eye in the theater. It is such a sad scene. It hit particularly hard on me and Sam due to the fact we had to do the same thing to Rio, our Marley. I think that was the hardest thing I have ever done. To me, my dogs are family. Rio was one of my kids. I still to this day miss her. Any way, I had better stop, this is getting to hard to write.
Today, me and Sam took advantage of the sun and took some fotos. This foto of the the deer was the best one i took. There were about 20 or so in a herd coming up from the river bottoms. I used the telefoto lens and proved to myself there were two bucks in the herd, but they were very small. We followed them up from the river bottoms until they crossed the highway and headed to the hills. I think I will hit the hot springs tonight..... a good soak sounds like the right medicine for a cold winter night.... till later, ME
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Miracle # 2
Hi again. Now, I know if Samantha knew I was using this foto she would kick my ass, but oh well, too bad! I suppose you are wondering about the title so I will explain. If you have been reading my blogs you will recall a few years back when Sam was taken into an oral surgeon for a possible jaw tumor. Well she escaped that one with nothing more than a few stitches and no tumor. Well, Monday, on her way here, she was involved in a very serious auto accident. A mini van, spun out in front of the truck she was riding in and bounced off the wall, hit the truck, threw them into a semi and then they bounced off of it into the wall. The truck was destroyed, a Dodge so no loss, and she walked away from it just bruised and sore. I cant really put into words how much of a relief it was to find out she was OK. I left work like a bat out of hell and flew to Ogden to meet her at the hospital. The feeling of joy seeing her there and OK was awesome. I am sooooo glad she is OK. OK, I'll stop now. This Christmas is that much more special to me because of this miracle....... ciao!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Good evening and welcome to another addition to my written wanderings. Tonight, according to the paper anyway, is the night that the moon will appear it's brightest for the year. And, I have to agree with them. The moon tonight is incredible. I can't believe how bright it is. It is times like this that I wish I had an even better camera. But oh well, this will have to do. Last nights sunset followed by the moon rising was awesome too. No, I didn't have my camera but oh well. I'll get over it. The moon last night had the storm ring around it. It looked soooooo cool. I would have needed a wide angle lens for that so it will have to remain a memory. The sunset last night over the lake was incredible also. the clouds were a fiery orange. I wish I could have been on Willard peak for that one. It would have been great to see it from up there. Tomorrow they are saying it is supposed to snow. I am ready I guess. I do want some so my well will fill back up. It got kind of dry towards the end of the season. I think I will take my camera tomorrow and go explore. Who knows where I will end up but hopefully it will be foto worthy. Until then...... Jeep on!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Hi and welcome to another adventure. I had some house and yard work to do today and I found myself done with time on my hands. What better reason to have myself another adventure. As you read from the previous post on my trip out to the Jetty , my offering was not accepted by the Jetty Master. So, today's adventure was twofold. 1 to build an acceptable offering and 2, figure out what someone had put into the lake. As you can see from the fotos I have accomplished both and am satisfied with the results. My statue was still standing when I left and I know what is out in the lake. Now I know you can't tell from the foto what is out in the lake, but after blowing up the foto on my puter I found out my first guess was correct. They are pink flamingos covered in salt. I don't have any idea who put them out there but over time they have both been covered in a thick layer of salt. If they survive the winter, I will go out there in the spring when the water isn't too cold and get you a close up of them. I know the foto isn't very good, but the sun was directly behind them so getting a good foto wasn't very easy. I have one foto that turned out really well and I'll try and add it to this post. Like I said, I am new to this site and I am constantly learning about it. So, bare with me and I'll try to get it right. The weather out there was so nice for December. It was near 50! Who would have thought it would be that nice in winter? Hell, I even mowed up all the leaves that blew into my yard from the last storm today. I do hope it snows soon. We need the water! OK, that's it for today! Until next time..... roll with the changes!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Solar Vista
Good evening! Tonight the earth gets to see the moon, Venus and Jupiter all together in a triangle. I know the foto sux but its the best I could do. Of course the moon is up in the top left corner.... Venus is center bottom..... and Jupiter is above the wire towards the right. The original foto was a lot darker sans the wires but you couldn't see the planets so I let my photo editor dick with it so at least you could get the idea. In all reality, it looks way cool live. I wish I had time to read the manual so I could get the better foto... but you know.... I'm a guy.... why would I read it??? Anyway, this is it. I know it ain't much, but oh well.... deal with it! OK, that's about it. I know it's short but life is kinda boring at the moment. Maybe it will pick up next week. Who knows?
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